Cruising With Liz

Life along the canals

For two adventure filled summers we cruised south through France. We climbed through the mountains, crossed canyons on aqueducts, edged through tunnels and revelled in the gorgeous fields and forests of France. Over four hundred locks took us up from the Netherlands, over the hilly fields of France and down again to the Mediterranean.

Small villages along the way offered free tie ups. We happily reciprocated by shopping in their markets.  The lovely wines available in the village store changed constantly as we moved.

We found that modern France is along the "A" highways. Ancient France is on the canals.

The competition
The competition
Watching the world go by
Watching the world go by
Sometimes you just clear
Sometimes you just clear
Waiting to go
Waiting to go
Ancient tunnels
Ancient tunnels
Quiet waters
Quiet waters